7 Websites that Teach You How to Play Blackjack

Websites that teach you how to play blackjack

Websites that teach you how to play blackjack

Blackjack is such a popular game that you can usually find someone to play it with you.  And the rules are relatively simple to learn, although the strategies are more complicated than most people realize.  It’s fun, though, to be able to learn new things about a card game you have known most of your life.

In the interest of not pretending I am the only expert online I thought it would be helpful to present you with a guide to several other Websites that also teach blackjack.  Some of these sites just cover the basic rules of the game and some of them cover game strategies.

These are all very good, useful sites.  You can learn a lot from them not only about blackjack but about other games and other topics.  That is the real reason why I selected them.  Anyone can write an article about blackjack.  But it’s great to find a Website where you can just browse other topics and learn yet more things.

I recommend that you bookmark all of these sites and visit them every once in a while to refresh your blackjack knowledge.

Bicycle Cards

This is the classic card game company and believe it or not they offer a basic blackjack rules page for visitors to their site.  And of course they should!  Why would you not expect a company that sells playing cards to publish articles about the games you can play with its cards?  So this is a great introduction to blackjack but more importantly it’s just a great card gaming resource almost anyone should enjoy browsing.

Boston University Computer Science Department

This is a page created by professor Hongwei Xi for a Spring 2002 course.  In my opinion this is one of the best-written, best organized concise guides to basic blackjack rules and strategy.  You can get all the anecdotes you want from other sites but this guy just cuts to the chase and explains how the game works.

Free Online Blackjack

This Website allows you to play blackjack online for free.  Great graphics in the game make it an enjoyable experience.  But what the site so special is that it is packed with information about how to play the game.  To be honest it’s written by a friend of mine but check out his blackjack odds and probability article.

Online Gambling Sites Blackjack Guide

This is another great Website filled with a lot of information on so many topics about gambling and gambling Website I cannot do it justice in a mere paragraph of text.  Their blackjack guide is pretty good and just one of many game guides.

Pagat Blackjack Page

If you have spent any time exploring gaming Websites at all you have probably come across Pagat.  This is an incredible resource for people who want to learn about all types of games.  The Pagat blackjack page is legendary for linking to a lot of Websites.  But even they cannot get to them all, there are just that many blackjack sites out there.

Wikipedia Blackjack Article

I don’t normally link to Wikipedia articles but this one is so good it deserves to be included in this list.  Obviously you can read about 5,000,000 articles on Wikipedia so it’s got a lot more content.  Check out Wikipedia’s blackjack article.

Wizard of Odds Blackjack Page

If anyone can compute the odds for a game it has to be the “Wizard of Odds”.  This Website has been treasured by online gamblers for over a decade and it is packed with tons of information.  The blackjack page is a long read but it’s well worth your time to browse this article because the Wizard delves into areas most other sites just don’t know enough to tell you.

Well, seven Websites may not seem like enough but I don’t believe in padding out a page with ridiculous listings just to hit some magical number.  This is a great collection of starter tutorials for anyone who is interested in learning blackjack.  But, honestly, these sites are also great resources for experienced blackjack players who want to refresh their knowledge about some of the minutiae.

Take it from me, Mister Blackjack.  I would not recommend these Websites if I did not honestly feel they were worth your time.  I hope you enjoy browsing them as much as I have through the years.